Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | number | font | parallel | software OCR: Scenario Profiles Customer info Minimum Requirements Installation Support and Training Scenario: Recommended Minimum Total Nomary; 8 Mb Cost Per One MB Memory: 39,00 Minimum Hard Disk Size: 500 Mb Cont Per Hard Disk: 199.00 Minimum Free Hard Disk Space: 300 Mb Cost of Windows 95 Upgrade: 50.00 Minimum CPU: 804660X Cost per Now System: 1,995,00 Minimum CPU Speed: 50 MHZ Now Spaten Description: Mininum acceptable Win95 platform NeMS Click on Tabe shove to fill in wil forms; Press the Next > button to proceed when dane. Figure 2: With Symantec's Toolkit, once the inventory is complete, you can check out various pricing based on the parameters you set in dialog boxes such as this one.